The Comparative GHG Impact Assessment of ProFarm Group Biopesticides vs. Conventional Chemical Pesticides study, conducted by the University of California, Davis School of Management, determined the greenhouse gas effects of commercial ProFarm Group agricultural products compared with conventional chemical pesticide products or other alternative competitive products.
Key Findings
The new study was conducted to determine the greenhouse gas effects of selected ProFarm Group biopesticides and plant health products compared with conventional chemical pesticide products or other alternative competitor products. Based on a comparative assessment of pesticidal products’ manufacturing processes, labeled rates and seasonal use practices, switching from conventional chemical pesticide products to current Pro Farm biopesticides would, on average, likely result in net reductions of greenhouse gas emissions of 69% to 91% (or 39 to 46 Kilograms of CO2 equivalents per acre per year).
To assess greenhouse gas effects, ProFarm conducted an inventory analysis on company-wide emissions by source, facility and activity, based on wastewater discharge, water consumption, irrigation water use, electricity use and fuel combustion.